As a fairly new Christian in his college years, instead of spending one spring break skiing in the mountains or going to the beach like some of his friends, Kevin Watson went on a short-term mission trip to Mexico. […]
“I would like to mix mental health with Christianity and show how they go hand in hand… Mental health is as important as physical health. I have a shirt that says, ‘It’s okay to have Jesus and a therapist too.’”
Jim Ramsay began to develop a love of culture and language while he was in college. He spent one semester studying abroad and began discovering the wider world in his emerging years […]
From Engineering to Pastoring Fernando Lua was educated as a civil engineer before becoming a pastor and theologian. Having become a follower of Jesus in his third year of college, he had already become very […]
“I think our current mission remains unchanged and that is to trust the Lord to raise Christ-like servant leaders for the Great Commission. I think the harvest is still plentiful in Asia, but the laborers are few.”
Today on the podcast we are joined by Teddy Ray, Asbury Seminary alum, co-owner of North Lime Coffee and Donuts and as of May 2024, a graduate of Yale Law School. Teddy joins us to […]
“I want to not be against something, but I want to be for something. I want to be for who Jesus is and how I’ve experienced him in my life and how I’ve seen so many others experience Jesus.”
In this episode we are talking to Dr. Timothy C. Tennent about his 15 years as president of Asbury Seminary.