Dr. Michael L. Peterson
Science, Evolutionary Biology and Scripture
Today on the podcast we have Dr. Michael L. Peterson, Professor of Philosophy at Asbury Seminary. Dr. Peterson joins us to talk about the integration of science and faith, particularly in the realm of evolutionary biology. A frequent writer and lecturer on this subject, Dr. Peterson brings his depth of insight into the conversation and reminds us that if all truth is God’s truth, then science and evolutionary biology are worthy to be studied and understood in the light of scripture.
*The views expressed in this podcast don’t necessarily reflect the views of Asbury Seminary.
Dr. Michael L. Peterson
Professor of Philosophy
Dr. Michael L. Peterson is Professor of Philosophy of Religion. He has written or been senior author in a number of books: Reason and Religious Belief (Oxford University Press; 5 editions); God and Evil: An Introduction to the Issues (HarperCollins/Westview); With All Your Mind: A Christian Philosophy of Education (University of Notre Dame Press); Evil and the Christian God (Baker Books); Philosophy of Education: Issues and Options (InterVarsity Press); Science, Evolution, and Religion: A Debate about Atheism and Theism (with Michael Ruse, Oxford University Press); Biology, Religion, and Philosophy: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press); and C. S. Lewis and the Christian Worldview (Oxford). He has edited Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings (Oxford 5 editions); Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion (Blackwell of Oxford, 2nd edition); and The Problem of Evil: Selected Readings (Notre Dame, now in 2nd edition). Monotheism, Suffering, and Evil (Cambridge, forthcoming). He is General Editor of the Wiley-Blackwell scholarly monograph series “Exploring Philosophy of Religion,” which currently contains five books.
Dr. Peterson has received both research grants and programmatic grants from various major foundations: Lilly Endowment, Pew Charitable Trust, the John Templeton Foundation, and the Institute for Advanced Christian Scholarship. Dr. Peterson launched and continues as the Managing Editor of the prestigious scholarly journal Faith and Philosophy, published at Asbury Theological Seminary and now available free and open access worldwide at faithandphilosophy.com. He has lectured widely and conducted a large number of seminars and workshops on topics in his areas of expertise.
Wes Wilcox
Host of the Thrive Podcast
Wes is a worship leader, artist and podcast host. He loves talking with people about their passions and what helps them thrive. When he is not drawing or playing music, he is likely relaxing with his best friend and wife, Heidi, and their dog Barney.