
Jacob Guot

President & Founder, Africa Sunrise Ministries.
M.A. in Leadership & M.A. in Intercultural Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2016.

Last updated: September 16, 2024

“Africa Sunrise Communities provides South Sudanese refugees with a future and a hope.”

Jacob Guot shines the light of God’s hope to South Sudan refugees living in the Bweyale Refugee Camp in Uganda. Ironically, Jacob was one of the Lost Boys from the Sudanese Civil War that lasted from 1983-2005. Yet, he founded Africa Sunrise Communities in 2014 to provide a future and restore hope to those who remain in East Africa.

“Like the ancient Israelites, God used my journey from Sudan to Ethiopia to Kenya to provide me with instruction, teach me patience, instill resolve within me and deepen my relationship with Him,” Jacob, a current Asbury Seminary student, said. “My heart’s desire is to be missionary to and forgive all the Muslims who killed my family, relatives and friends.”

For Jacob, despair has been more than an acquaintance. He lost his home and his family and walked more than 1000 miles during his seven years as a refugee. Yet, he found purpose in the midst of a world that called him a “lost boy.” While still in Africa, Jacob was ordained as an Anglican deacon and pastor.

Jacob chose life and seeks to share that hope with others.

“I feel passionate about suffering people because I’ve lived through that, what it feels like and what it looks like,” Jacob said.

According to a 2015 report from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than 37,000 Sudanese have fled to neighboring countries for refuge. In addition, 1.5 million people continue to be internally displaced due to war.

“The refugees are living in darkness and need the sunrise of hope and a new vision,” he said.

Jacob compares himself to a modern day Nehemiah. Like Nehemiah, Jacob prays, “Send me to the city…where my ancestors are buried so that I can rebuild it.” (2:5)

Restoration lays the foundation for forgiveness.

Just as the sun gives life to the earth, so Africa Sunrise Communities brings the “sunrise” of the Gospel to war-torn communities through peace and reconciliation. By providing access to clean water, food, clinics and education, nations are changed, one community at a time.

“It is better to teach a person how to fish for a lifetime, than to just give him or her a fish for today,” Jacob said. “Therefore, we are committed to educating the youth of South Sudan to instill hope within the next generation through education.”

Africa Sunrise Communities offers discipleship programs, leadership and life skills, a community garden, schools, and literacy programs. In all of his work, Jacob fights injustice with mercy and compassion.

“Nehemiah was called to rebuild the wall,” Jacob said. “I’m called to restore their hope.

Jacob graduated in May 2016 with a Master of Arts in Leadership and a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies. To learn more about Jacob’s ministry, visit

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