
A Collection of Alumni, Student and Faculty Stories Designed to Glorify God And Inspire You!





Kelly and Shannon McCuaig

Kelly and Shannon had different upbringings regarding faith but found their lives becoming intertwined with a shared calling to ministry during college. Kelly grew up in a family heavily involved in church and felt a call to ministry as a fourth grader at church camp. [...]

Prasanth Bethu

Prasanth Bethu’s faith is both a product of the Lord’s grace and a testament to the faithfulness of a resilient woman who was radically saved in a majority-Hindu context: his grandmother. She heard the gospel from someone traveling through the area on business and the simple gospel was enough for the Lord to work. [...]

Rev. Dr. Mark R. Martin

Though he grew up in the church, Mark Martin, in retrospect, doesn’t feel that he truly knew the Lord by the time he was in college. He was studying to become a doctor at the University of New Orleans when an encounter with the Lord changed the course of his life from pre-med to pastor. [...]

Asachai Drake-Rocheteau

Asachai began to feel an invitation to a deeper relationship with God, as well as a call to ministry, as a middle school student at a Christian summer camp. By the end of high school, he had become a pastoral intern at a local church. [...]

Andrea Baare

As a businesswoman and theologian with experience in both the marketplace and ministry, Andrea Baare struggled with a sense of guilt for many years. She often wondered if she made the right choice moving into the business world instead of pursuing full-time ministry. [...]

Nik Fraustro

Nik Fraustro remembers when Sunday traditions changed in his family growing up. According to him, Sundays were for football, baseball, and other sports. His family didn’t go to church and his father was a corpsman in the United States Navy, meaning they were accustomed to moving. [...]

Eddie and Allyson Willis

Camp ministry and retreats had already played a significant role in both Eddie and Allyson’s lives before they met. When they did meet it was, serendipitously, at a United Methodist Conference camp [...]

Jess Avery

For Jess Avery, one of the first calls to leadership in the church came at a Dairy Queen in Dublin, Georgia, when she was 16 years old. At that age, Jess had already developed a desire for spiritual community and started a small group at her high school of like-minded students in their pursuit of the Lord. [...]

Dr. Kevin Watson

As a fairly new Christian in his college years, instead of spending one spring break skiing in the mountains or going to the beach like some of his friends, Kevin Watson went on a short-term mission trip to Mexico. [...]

Vicky Ruiz

“I would like to mix mental health with Christianity and show how they go hand in hand... Mental health is as important as physical health. I have a shirt that says, ‘It’s okay to have Jesus and a therapist too.’”

Jim Ramsay

Jim Ramsay began to develop a love of culture and language while he was in college. He spent one semester studying abroad and began discovering the wider world in his emerging years [...]

Fernando Lua

From Engineering to Pastoring Fernando Lua was educated as a civil engineer before becoming a pastor and theologian. Having become a follower of Jesus in his third year of college, he had already become very […]

Benson and Josephine Goh

"I think our current mission remains unchanged and that is to trust the Lord to raise Christ-like servant leaders for the Great Commission. I think the harvest is still plentiful in Asia, but the laborers are few."

Emily Allen

"I want to not be against something, but I want to be for something. I want to be for who Jesus is and how I've experienced him in my life and how I've seen so many others experience Jesus."

James Hudson Taylor IV

James Hudson “Jamie” Taylor IV has dedicated his life to missionary work in China and among Chinese people around the world. With over 30 years in ministry, he has played a pivotal role in the […]

The Very Rev'd Dr. Stephen Hance

“What is it that we're offering which nobody else is? It's the opportunity to engage with God, to discover God, to be found by God in Christ.” 

Dr. James Paton

“Instead of having a big guess for what we should do next, we kind of wait, and when something lands on our plate, then we're like, Lord, is this it? And off we go…” 

John Wayne McMann

“And if we can have those high expectations, then God is going to lead us and guide us in places where we get to experience healing of all kinds and crazy ministry opportunities.” 

Shivraj Mahendra

Jesus appeared to Shivraj in a light so bright that he couldn’t really look at it. A clear voice came out from the human-shaped light and said, “I am the resurrection and life. If you believe in me, you’ll never die. And even if you die, you will live again.”

Bonnie Solivan

Finding Peace Bonnie Solivan, a proud “Nuyorican” – a term denoting a Puerto Rican residing in New York City – has a unique journey shaped by her parents’ missionary work across diverse locations such as […]

Yamilka Sena

The more Yamilka walked with God and engaged with people, the more she was shown that she was more than a teacher and a counselor – she was someone who preached the Word and helped lead others to Christ.

Gabriella Black

Gabby felt the presence of God tangibly as she was singing. After her performance, non-believing professors asked her voice teacher, “What was that? That was different. I have never heard her sound like that before.”

Penny Hammond

No Matter What, God is With You Penny grew up in Tennessee as one of seven children raised by her single mother and her grandmother. “I always remember my grandma saying, ‘No matter what, God […]

Daphne Stephens

As Daphne cried and poured out her heart, the chaplain just listened. “There was such a peace in the room like I had never experienced in my life,” Daphne says.

Stacey McDonald

Stacey, who is now a school psychologist and mental health speaker and writer, wasn’t thinking about psychology then. “I did not become aware of mental health at that point; I became aware of what was all demons and devils.”

Liz Haley

One day, in the midst of this dark time, she was driving across a railroad track and felt as if someone was sitting next to her. She heard the words, “I have set you apart.”

Abraham Livingston

Having grown up relying entirely on the provision of God, Abraham identifies with Christians all over the world who are at risk. He wants to act as a spokesperson for them and pursue justice on their behalf.

Rev. Dr. Charles Galbreath

When Charles arrived in Brooklyn in 2010, it was the third deadliest precinct in all of New York City in regards to gun violence. Charles and three other pastors came together and prayed to see what they could do. 

Rob Waldo

“Through Asbury, we want to be part of His work on the earth. Part of that is just asking, ‘Lord, use our lives for Your good, whatever that looks like.’”

Ajith Fernando

The Inductive Bible Study Method Ajith Fernando was born and raised in Sri Lanka in a devout Methodist family, and he wanted to study theology from the age of 14. One of his childhood faith […]

Beth Knight

Crazy Love 20 years ago, Beth Knight was living in Alaska, working in the business world and offering spiritual direction on the side. She knew the Lord had something more for her. So she began […]

Andrew McFarland

Grafted in Wilmore Andy McFarland, his wife, and their three small children came to Asbury Seminary in 2005 for one reason – he needed an M.Div. to complete his ordination requirements. “I had no plans […]

David Neel

Is an M.Div. Worth it? David Neel was born in Wilmore, KY, when his dad was studying at Asbury Seminary. As a young child, he sang, “Jesus loves you” to his babysitters and considered this […]

JR Marasigan

The Wind of the Holy Spirit JR Marasigan and his mother ran a business in their home. His father would tell them, “Let’s have a Bible study with anybody who knows the Lord.” Busy with […]

Zach Meerkreebs

Uber-Religious Aspirations Zach Meerkreebs, whose sermon began the unexpected Asbury University Outpouring, did not grow up in a Christian home. In fact, he grew up in a Jewish home in Colorado and was Bar Mitzvahed […]

Dr. Wilmer Estrada Carrasquillo

A Child of Pentecostal Pastors Dr. Wilmer Estrada Carrasquillo, a child of Pentecostal pastors, was raised on the island of Puerto Rico. At youth camp at age 14, he heard the words, “God is calling […]

Jenifer Jones

11 Countries in 11 Months “I can’t remember a time not knowing Jesus,” says Jenifer Jones, who grew up in a Christian home. When she was 10 years old, missionaries visited her church. “They said […]

David Khual

Called to Study Theology David Khual grew up in Myanmar as a third generation Christian, going to church and Sunday school weekly. Yet being in ministry never crossed his mind, as no one in his […]

Ellen Miller

Ministering at The Salvation Army Ellen Miller’s father was a United Methodist pastor, and her mother was a school teacher. Ellen always wanted to teach and went to school to be a music educator. Yet […]

Bishop Mark Webb

From 7th grade onward, Bishop Mark Webb grew up in a United Methodist Church that he describes as “an amazing place for young people,” especially those aspiring to ministry. A Pennsylvania native, Bishop Webb attended […]

Rev. Dr. Shane Stanford

Pastoral Hardships “Discipleship is critical to the future of the church,” says Rev. Dr. Shane Stanford. Having served as a pastor and church planter for over thirty years, he knows this deeply. Shane’s life and […]

Reverend Tori Heath

Accepting the Call Reverend Tori Heath’s “yes” to God’s calling on her life came after saying “no” multiple times. Her first “no” was in the eighth grade.  “It actually was at my grandfather’s funeral of […]

Abraham Ruffcorn

Abraham Ruffcorn, while earning his Bachelor of Music Education at a state college, spent his Monday and Thursday nights with the United Methodist campus ministry, eventually leading worship. Through this campus ministry, he learned about […]

Bishop Carolyn Moore

I grew up in a culturally Christian home. We were the kind who said a blessing at meals but never talked about God at home. My mother went to church most Sundays and I usually […]

Reverend Keith Boyette

Reverend Keith Boyette said “yes” at key junctures of his life when he sensed a call from God to move into a new role. Each “yes” launched him into utilizing his gifts and heart for […]

Kelle Ortiz

Kelle Ortiz, who lives with her husband and three teenagers outside Atlanta, always had a desire to attend seminary. Yet her path to working towards a degree at Asbury Theological Seminary was quite unique. Her […]

Colonel Richard Munn

In American towns and cities, The Salvation Army is most often visible in the form of thrift stores and Christmas Red Kettles. Many have no idea that there is so much more behind the vivid […]

Megan Byers

Megan Byers, Pastor of Discipleship at The Harvest Methodist Church in Missouri City, TX, grew up experiencing what she aims to create. Her parents were church planters in London, England, when Megan was born. She […]

Brian and Elizabeth Ballinger

Brian and Elizabeth Ballinger each had reasons to consider overseas ministry. Elizabeth grew up a missionary kid in Asia. Brian had been on TMS Global’s summer GreenLight Programs to the Middle East and Paraguay, and […]

Reverend Chad Brooks

In 2003, before smartphones were in every pocket and social media platforms became mainstream, microblogs like were rapidly growing in popularity. On his Louisiana college campus, a young Chad Brooks watched with interest as […]

Pam Harrison

Asbury Seminary hybrid student Pam Harrison takes global ministry to another level: sea level. Pam and her husband Keith began cruising in the ‘90s with regular week-long cruises in the Caribbean. On cruise ships, a […]

Reverend Dr. Daniel Ronda

As a professor at the largest evangelical school in Indonesia, Rev. Dr. Daniel Ronda finds himself feeling grateful every day for his Doctor of Ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary. The D.Min. degree had “a great […]

Bishop Emerita Linda Adams

Linda Adams was 17 years old in her hometown of Spring Arbor, Michigan, when she first felt the Lord calling her to ministry. The occasion was hearing a woman missionary preach. A powerful, two-year revival […]

Sam Gindlesberger

Sam Gindlesberger’s grandfather was a lifelong dairy farmer who had always wanted to be a woodworker. He even had a woodworking shop and tools he planned to use someday. Yet time got away from him, […]

Dr. Dean Cook

Dean Cook joined the Navy because he wanted to see the world. As a young man, Dean was interested in many things, but like a jigsaw puzzle dumped on a table, nothing connected. After meeting […]

Talbot Davis

Talbot Davis makes Scripture come alive! Until 10 years ago, he thought the Bible was part how-to manual, part science textbook, and part self-help. As he continued to study Scripture in context, he realized the […]

Obed Badilla

Since saying yes to God, Obed Badilla has never said no. Whether helping with children’s ministry, cleaning the church, leading prayer teams or visiting hospitals, Obed has said yes to serving others in whatever way […]

Andi Wallace

For Andi Wallace, working as an FBI special agent was more than investigations, stakeouts and long hours. It was a place where her faith and her work intersected to serve justice and provide support to […]

Dr. Joseph Okello

Dr. Joseph Okello sees God’s faithfulness in his failures as much as his successes. As a young man, he ran from God’s call to pastoral ministry to pursue a career at a prominent bank in […]

Ethan Oltremari

In high school, Ethan Oltremari started writing songs as a form of personal prayer and worship with no intention to perform. Now as Associate Pastor of Worship and Connectional Ministries at First United Methodist Church […]

Greg Kannon

Greg Kannon believes that music is a universal language that opens people’s minds and hearts to God. In 1997, Greg felt God’s call to pastoral ministry through a song on the radio. As a classically […]

Sarah Parham

After accepting Jesus at age 15, Sarah Parham wanted to tell everyone about Jesus. As she ministered to others, she realized she was wired to equip and empower people to serve God around the world. […]

Rosa Roman

In one of the darkest moments of Rosa Roman’s life, God called her to ministry. After she and her husband divorced in 2002, she and her son left Puerto Rico and traveled to Orlando, shattered, […]

Jennie Wheaton

Jennie Wheaton helps others discern their call to missions and ministry as a mobilizer with TMS Global. Using her own missions experience and healing journey, along with her training as a spiritual director and mental […]

Bishop João Carlos Lopes

When seminary graduates tell Bishop João Carlos Lopes they want to be a pastor, he replies that he doesn’t have a church appointment for them, instead he has a challenge. Using the community church planting […]

Rev. Sam Lael Mwase Zulu

As the Field Director with the Zambia Center for Biblical Understanding with The Word Is Out, Rev. Sam Lael Mwase Zulu dreams of reaching the continent of Africa with the truth of Jesus Christ. Using […]

Dr. Stacy Minger

As an introverted and socially awkward college student, Dr. Stacy Minger was the last to think she would lead through pastoral ministry. But God spoke profoundly to her heart and others affirmed her calling by […]

Dr. Brian Russell

After being married for 20 years, Dr. Brian Russell found himself suddenly divorced. As he struggled through the next year with overwhelming anxiety, fear, guilt and shame, he discovered centering prayer; or as he likes […]

Ricardo Gomez

Ricardo Gomez seeks to be a person of peace in Medellin, Colombia, and Latin America. Using the community church planting model, he and his team have planted more than 700 churches and introduced more than […]

Rob Lim

Rob Lim believes that the next great move of God will be in the marketplace. After balancing a successful global career in the banking and finance industry for 17 years, along with his family and […]

Rev. Matt Hook

Matt Hook believes pastors are not only appointed to a church, but to an entire community. As pastor of Dexter UMC, he seeks to serve those in his congregation, community, and surrounding area in tangible […]

Chief Habila Sa'idu

How did you experience your call to ministry? I received my call to ministry in the year 1975. How and where it happened reminded me of how God had called several other prophets in the […]

Greg Spillyards

For Greg Spillyards, being a commercial realtor is not all about the transaction. In 2010, he left the upward trajectory of a career in commercial real estate and development to work as Director of Outreach […]

Mercy Langat

As a Kenyan immigrant to the U.S., Mercy Langat sometimes felt she belonged in two cultures, but sometimes not at all. While studying at Asbury Seminary, she learned the language to express, understand and integrate […]

Mike & Myra Watkins

Mike and Myra Watkins studied at different universities in North Carolina, but they shared a lifelong passion for what was at the time, the Soviet Union. The couple moved to Lviv, Ukraine, in 1993 to […]

Pastor Kevin York

According to Lifeway, it takes 80 Christians to reach one person every year, but with church planting, it takes 30 people to reach one non-Christian annually. Church planting transformed Kevin’s life, changing him from one […]

Dr. Danny Román-Gloró

Dr. Danny Román-Gloró serves others so that they can become kingdom builders. After graduating from college, Dr. Román-Gloró experienced God’s call to preach. He served as a bi-vocational pastor and church planter for 26 years prior […]

Rev. Dr. Lee Strawhun

Dr. Lee Strawhun felt called to ministry a year after graduating with a degree in animal sciences. Although he never planned on being a pastor, he said yes and four weeks after getting married, he […]

M'Kenna Gillespie

Prior to coming to Asbury Seminary, M’Kenna Gillespie had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. In fact, she changed her degree once before arriving on campus and again during her first […]

Ashlee Alley Crawford

By saying no, Ashlee Alley Crawford actually said yes. As a biology major, Ashlee planned to become a physical therapist. But the summer before her junior year in college, she volunteered with her church’s youth […]

Rev. Dr. Girma Bishaw

According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80 percent are negative thoughts, and 95 percent are repetitive, forming our imaginations and behaviors. Rev. […]

Manik Corea

Manik Corea jokes that he loved the church before he knew the Lord of the church. As a pastor’s kid, Manik grew up in the church. Yet he was 13 before he became a committed […]

Andrew Grissom: Loving God and Discipling Others.

Andrew Grissom loves God and loves others. Growing up in the church, he always felt comfortable serving, but had a nominal faith until middle school. As his faith became personal, God confirmed his call to […]

Dr. Guenson Charlot

God called Dr. Guenson Charlot to train the next generation of Haitian leaders one student at a time. Since its founding in 1967, Emmaus University has always been led by foreign missionaries, but this year […]

Adam Weber

Adam Weber, lead pastor at Embrace Church in Sioux Falls, S.D., loves God, but like most humans has sometimes struggled to love the different and difficult. After going through an incredibly difficult season, Adam found […]

Brian Scott

Brian Scott answered the call to preach while working as an ICU nurse. After attending Asbury Seminary, he and his wife Charity served in pastoral ministry in the Mississippi UMC Annual Conference. Now, they continue […]

Dr. Ellen Marmon: Leading a Life of Discipleship

Learning that lasts starts on “the edge of your own incompetence.” Dr. Ellen Marmon, Professor of Christian Discipleship, learned that phrase from her mentor while she completed her Ph.D. at the University of Kentucky. Now […]

Deanna Lynn

For more than 25 years, Deanna lived her life without hope. A victim of childhood abuse, traumatized by her mom’s repeated suicide attempts and generational addictions to drugs and alcohol, Deanna sought survival and the […]

Stephanie M. Raglin

Battling with her own demons, Stephanie M. Raglin didn’t think she was fit to live based on where she’d been, what she’d done and what she’d been taught in the church. But through God’s grace, […]

Dr. Steve Stratton: Intersecting Faith & Counseling

In the midst of a challenging academic life, Dr. Steve Stratton, Professor of Counseling and Pastoral Care, teaches students to become people of practices for a lifetime of sustainable ministry. As part of the Formation […]

Christopher Goss: Ministry & Music

Christopher Goss was passionate about serving God and about rock and roll music. After graduating from college in 2008, Chris worked four part-time jobs, including playing gigs on the weekend, to make ends meet. A […]

Aaron Reynolds: Faith + Work

Aaron Reynolds treats Chick-fil-A guests like they’re his family. He came to Asbury Seminary to be a pastor, but an internship with the Office of Faith, Work and Economics made him realize he could combine […]

Michael Hammond: Training Future Leaders

Faith Covenant Ministries trains leaders as part of a multi-generational, multi-cultural community. Michael and his dad planted the ministry together in 2005 with a vision to create a ministry that would birth new churches, re-start […]

Samuel Odubena: Amazing Grace

As a child growing up in Nigeria, Samuel Odubena suffered from severe and unexplained hand and arm pain for seven years. Finally the doctors decided amputation was the best way to prevent serious complications. On […]

Rob Mehner

Before becoming a pastor, Rob Mehner worked as a process engineer for 3M, designing, implementing, controlling and optimizing production processes. Now, he serves as the Director of Training and Pastoral Care at New Life Children’s […]

Dr. Maria Russell Kenney

The average person makes about 35,000 choices per day, and in a world filled with more ambiguity than not, Dr. Maria Russell Kenney seeks to make these decisions with the eyes of Christ. She grapples […]

Dr. Randy Jessen

Forty babies in a room. Ten on tiny shelves lined each wall. Silence. The babies had learned not to cry because no one was there to feed, hold or change them. Randy and Sue Jessen […]

Connor Reavy

From the time Connor can remember, he found his identity in sports, whether playing, training or watching. But when a knee injury sidelined him on mile 16 of the Akron Marathon in 2017, Connor stopped […]

Heather Hill

Homeless and addicted to drugs, Heather Hill was surprised by God’s answer to her prayer for help when it landed her in jail for 18 months. But her prison sentence started her personal journey of […]

George Wasson

For George Wasson, Lead Pastor at Faithpoint Church, saying yes to God was more than just one moment. It was a lifetime of yeses that led him to the next right thing on his journey. […]

Kaylea Hutson Miller

Everyone has a story, and Kaylea Hutson-Miller gets to tell them. She’s held mothers hands while they wrote their child’s obituary, been in courtrooms when judges handed down sentences, and listened to victims share their […]

Molly Ann Halpin

Molly Ann Halpin connects others with hope. Molly came to Asbury Seminary to pursue an M.Div. degree, but partway through her first semester, her dad passed away. Through her own journey of healing, she discovered […]

Dr. Ben Witherington III

Dr. Ben Witherington wanted a career that combined language, literature and history. The only subject meeting those criteria was the Bible, so Dr. Witherington went to seminary to prepare for ministry as a pastor and […]

Tammy Cessna

Tammy Cessna’s heart beats for alumni. Since 2009, Tammy Cessna, Director of Alumni and Church Relations, has been pouring her life into the almost 11,000 Asbury Seminary alumni. She’s recently started new programs, such as […]

Mami Tsutada

Mami Tsutada can say with the psalmist David that she has a beautiful inheritance. As a sixth-generation Japanese Christian, she came to Asbury Seminary to be equipped as a pastor if that was where God […]

Dr. James Thobaben

Since the early 2000s, Dr. James Thobaben has walked historic pilgrimage routes, such as Camino Primitivo, El Santuario de Chimayó, and most recently, Crough Patrick in Ireland and to Bad Wilsnack in Germany, but he […]

Dr. Virginia "Toddy" Holeman

When Virginia “Toddy” Holeman was five years old, she wanted to be either a cowgirl or a teacher. As an adult, she decided to pursue a career in education. Throughout her life, she’s worked in […]

John Carroll

John Carroll and his wife, Amber, know the joys and struggles of saying yes to God. In the mid-2000s, John worked in corporate America and lived the American dream, complete with a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house, […]

Danny Key

Danny Key played his first church gig for a quarter when he was eight years old.Although his dad bribed him to perform, Danny still remembers the feeling he had making people happy with his music. […]

Christian Selvaratnam

On a retreat, God promised Christian Selvaratnam that he would make him famous for his spiritual children. As church planter and leader of G2, a café style approach to church planting, Christian trains church planters […]

A.J. Robinson

A.J. Robinson raps with a refreshing perspective that resonates with listeners. Using a keyboard and recording equipment left to him by his uncle, A.J. started writing lyrics and making beats at 15. Now he uses […]

Stephen Joseph

As a young man, Stephen Joseph made a living delivering newspapers. After saving him from a terrible motorcycle wreck God called him to be a Good News boy. Now, Stephen is the Pastor of the […]

Lindsey Runyan

Lindsey Runyan seeks God in the daily rhythms and spaces of life. While a student at Asbury Seminary, she spent 10 months as part of the St. Anselm Community in England learning the priorities of […]

Peytyn Tobin

Peytyn Tobin developed the Pack-A-Sack program to feed one child at a time. Each Wednesday, Peytyn and youth from the community pack 200 bags of food so children in Broward County, Florida, don’t go hungry […]

Joe Cox

Joe Cox, Director of Covenant College Ministry, levels the playing field between cultures, genders and socio-economic statuses. Using a small group model, mentorship and worship, Joe helps college students looking for a church home find […]

David Reddish

David Redish, pastor at The Crossing at 480, wasn’t content to rock his way to retirement. Instead, he and his congregation of Baby Boomers planted a church near the University of Kentucky campus to reach […]

Nate Hinzman

Corps Officer Nate Hinzman lets the light of Christ shine through practical ministry at The Salvation Army East Main Worship and Service Center in Columbus, Ohio. Whether coordinating Junior Arts and Music School (JAMS), preaching […]

John Valentine

The light of hope shines from St. George’s Anglican Church, not only from the sign outside, but from the community of believers within. St. George’s introduces Jesus Christ to the community of Holborn through George’s […]

Iosmar Alvarez

Iosmar Alvarez emigrated to the U.S. from Cuba with the American dream of a lucrative job, a nice house, and church attendance on Sunday. When he arrived in the U.S. in 2001, God called him […]

Katie Mayes

In her first appointment as pastor at the Salvation Army Corps in Derry, N.H., Katie Mayes, wears many hats. From a janitor to youth group and children’s leader to a preacher and fire department chaplain, […]

Ric Thorpe

As Bishop of Islington, Ric Thorpe oversees London’s church growth strategy to plant 100 churches in London by 2020 and 200 city-center church-planting churches around the country by 2030. As a church planter himself, Ric […]

E. Dale Locke

Dale Locke felt like the dog that chased the pickup truck and caught it, when he received the green light from his district superintendent to plant a church. The following day, his D.Min. cohort left […]

Dr. Sam Kim

Dr. Sam Kim converted from Buddhism to Christianity when she was 14. She first attended church when she was 12 years old, and the experience was very meaningful to her. She later accepted Jesus and […]

Dr. Steve Martyn

Dr. Steve Martyn brought his new bride to Asbury Seminary on their honeymoon in 1973. Although he wouldn’t recommend it as a honeymoon destination, he appreciates his time here as challenging and transformational. Today, he […]

Teddy Ray

Teddy Ray, Lead Pastor at Offerings First UMC in Lexington, Ky., had been pastoring for 10 years before he knew he was called to ministry. In fact, he took a year-long mission sabbatical to Spain […]

Irene Kabete

Irene Kabete promised God that she would never apply for a job, but always be available to do whatever He asked her. Even as a Ph.D. student, she pursued her God-given passion for evangelism as […]

Kofi Amoateng

Kofi Amoateng, Founder and Director at Africa Gateway Missions, once helped to plant 13 churches in a week and planted an additional 11 churches in three years. Africa Gateway Missions believes if they have at […]

Luke Embree

As a Lyft driver in Lexington, Ky., Luke Embree doesn’t know the roads he’ll go down or the people he’ll meet. He just answers the pings and follows the dotted lines. Similarly, when Luke came […]

Rev. Mary Lee Downey

Rev. Mary Lee Downey knows what it’s like to be the underdog. Growing up in rural Arkansas, Mary often heard that her big dreams couldn’t be achieved because she was born a girl. As the […]

Esteban Hidalgo

When Esteban Hidalgo graduates from Asbury Theological Seminary in 2023, he plans to return to Puerto Rico to revitalize theological education, helping others see its importance and gain access to it. But he’s not waiting […]

Casey Coleman

Each year, 300,000 Americans are lured into sex trafficking. Casey Coleman was almost one of those girls. Then, she became a counseling student at Asbury Seminary with plans to work with women in crisis and […]

Gloria Fowler

Gloria Fowler helps churches hit restart. While living in an ethnically diverse neighborhood for 17 years, Gloria realized that the cultural makeup of the neighborhoods was not reflected in the congregations. That triggered her desire […]

Tintin Atrero

Cristine “Tintin” Carnate-Atrero dreams of conquering the Philippines for Christ. As the first female District Superintendent of The United Methodist Church, Zambales District, West Middle Philippines Annual Conference, she oversees the work of the local […]

Dr. Steve Seamands

In Ephesians 4, Paul commands us to equip or prepare the saints for the work of ministry. However, equip also means to mend. With the heart of a pastor, Dr. Steve Seamands equips students for […]

Bishop David Roller

At first, Bishop David Roller felt like he drew the short straw when he was assigned to lead the Recalibrate Initiative in the Free Methodist Church. Admittedly, he wanted to focus on places with obvious […]

Craig Stephans

At school Craig Stephans asked someone what a John 3:16 sign meant. Although he grew up in the church, he didn’t read the Bible until his senior year of high school and was startled to […]

Cindy Brewer

As a theatre and communication major and lead pastor of Da Nang International Fellowship (DIF), Cindy Brewer loves to tell a story with music and dance. Each year DIF rents Trung Vuong Theater to give […]

Manny Carlos

Manny Carlos serves on the leadership team of Victory Church, a multi-site church in Metro Manila, Philippines, as Bishop and Chairman of the Board. As part of the Every Nation Ministry church planting movement, the […]

Clara Danquah

In her role as Associate Pastor at Wesley Cathedral in Ghana, Clara Danquah organizes programs for the church’s regular services and serves as a pre-marriage counselor. Clara delights in helping people see that God’s salvation […]

Jeff Reed

After attending Asbury Theological Seminary, Jeff Reed listened to Dr. Timothy Tennent’s “Theology of the Body” sermon series on repeat. As he explored the relationship between faith, sexuality and its role within families, Jeff joined […]

JJ Shimko

As a preacher’s kid, JJ Shimko saw the good, the bad and the ugly of ministry and never wanted to be a pastor. Yet, he has preached for decades, including as part of the Free […]

Dr. Brian Taylor

Dr. Brian and Chavonne Taylor planted Bethel Cincinnati Church in an area that was not always welcome to diversity.  Now the church is becoming one where it is hard to tell whether it is black […]

Stephanie de Oliveira

God called Stephanie de Oliveira to preach in a dream. At the age of 16, she dreamed that she was preaching to a multitude of people from many nations. Several pastors confirmed her calling, and she […]

Lillyan Vargas

Lillyan Vargas found healing and her calling at Asbury Seminary. With a heart to serve others, she is pursuing a M.A. in Marriage and Family Counseling, while working full-time as the coordinator of both the […]

Jorge Acevedo

Jorge Acevedo smoked a joint to celebrate becoming a Christian. As a 17-year-old, new believer, he didn’t know right from wrong or up from down. But God rescued him from a life of addiction. Forty […]

Jim Powell

At the age of 78, Jim Powell is on-call 24/7. Since 1997, he has served as the volunteer chaplain for the Oldham County Police Department. Although no longer pastoring full-time, he enjoys serving alongside the […]

Scarlett Sierra

Scarlett Sierra first understood the power of psychology as a teacher. One of her pupils entered class with a wrap sheet of misbehavior, including starting a fire and poking another child in the face with […]

Brandon Beals

Brandon Beals began his church planting adventure as a result of his theoretical thesis, “If I Were to Plant a Church, Here’s How I Would Do It.” But God called him to put his theory […]

Paige Medlock Johnson

Beauty is in what you don’t see. Paige Medlock Johnson grew up around Asbury University art majors, but didn’t realize she was an artist herself until partway through college. She switched her major from psychology […]


Harrison puts his treasure in people that nobody else wants. He, his wife, and their partners in ministry live in an impoverished state in Northern India that is home to more than 100 million people. […]

Julie Broderson

Julie Broderson calls the homeless friends. As Pastor of Missions at Centenary United Methodist Church (UMC), she helps her congregation re-discover God’s mission for the world by seeing the less fortunate in the local and […]

Rev. Dr. Jessica LaGrone

As a nine year old, Rev. Jessica LaGrone, wrote sermons in her head. Today, she serves as the first female Dean of Chapel at Asbury Theological Seminary and is a widely published author with Abingdon […]

Spencer Hahn

Nobody wanted Spencer Hahn. At least that’s what the police officer told him when he awoke from an accidental overdose. Handcuffed to a hospital bed without family, friends or hope, Spencer thought his life was […]

Jacob Guot

Jacob Guot shines the light of God’s hope to South Sudan refugees living in the Bweyale Refugee Camp in Uganda. Ironically, Jacob was one of the Lost Boys from the Sudanese Civil War that lasted […]

Katie Grover

Katie Grover exhibits radical hospitality to the homeless because she believes that everyone is made in the image of God. As pastor of Patapsco and Lodge Forest United Methodist Churches, she teaches and preaches that […]

Greg McCortney

When Greg McCortney said yes to God, he had no idea that he would wind up in the State Capitol. Yet, whether pastoring, working as a hospice chaplain, owning hospice companies, or serving as an […]

Tim Johnson

Almost 20 years later, Tim Johnson still cries when he tells his story. Tim experienced God’s grace at a Promise Keeper’s Conference two weeks before he planned to commit suicide. Today, he pastors Pfrimmer’s Chapel […]

Adena Bowen

Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Yet, complete recovery is possible. Adena Bowen has guided many girls and woman to live balanced, full, whole and productive lives. Adena’s title is primary […]

Caleb Louden

For Caleb Louden, ministry to the disadvantaged is not just about where a person sleeps or what they have to eat. As a Mission Specialist in The Salvation Army, it is also about sharing the […]

Elley Fisk

God called Elley Fisk to live a life of faith and not fear. A year ago, God asked her to leave her home church and family and move to Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church (UMC) […]

Glen O'Brien

Just as etymology provides insight into the history of words, their origin and how their meaning has evolved, so an understanding of historical faith provides a more robust understanding of 21st century Christianity. Dr. Glen […]

David Layser

David Layser pulled an all-nighter to finish his exegesis paper on Sabbath. In spite of the irony of a busy finals week, David experienced the truth and gift of Sabbath found in Scripture in a […]

Dr. Timothy C. Tennent

Thirty years ago, God challenged Dr. Timothy Tennent to attempt something big for Him. During Dr. Tennent’s life and ministry as pastor, professor and president, he has lived those three words, learning not to place […]

Jonathan Fitzgerald

Like Elijah, Jonathan Fitzgerald heard God’s call to serve Him, not in a strong wind, an earthquake or a fire, but in the gentle breeze that contained the presence of God. Now he works as […]

Daniel Kim

Belong. Grow. Serve. Global Community United Methodist Church in Columbus, Ohio, takes their motto seriously. Columbus is filled with many cultures, faiths, languages and ethnicities, providing the perfect backdrop for Global UMC to embrace the […]

Dr. Steve Gober

For Dr. Steve Gober, multiplication is about making disciples. He and his wife, Karoline, served for 17 years as missionaries with the Methodist Church of Costa Rica, working at the Methodist Seminary. Now, as Associate […]

Dr. A. Sue Russell

Dr. Sue Russell equips, empowers and encourages students to be leaders in their global contexts. Through her work as a Wycliffe Bible translator and now as Associate Professor of Mission and Contextual Studies at Asbury […]

Dr. Jeff Frymire

Often gravitating toward the Bible stories because of their great truths, Dr. Frymire looks for more than the obvious when he preaches and teaches. Instead, he finds the problem in the passage to tell the […]

Shawn Casselberry

In seminary, I remember telling God, “I’ll go anywhere you want me to go and do anything you want me to do.” It’s a dangerous thing to say to God, but I sincerely meant it. […]

Kathryn Rauhauser

God challenged Kathryn Rauhauser to pray an impossible prayer. Her prayer is that none in her youth group will fall away from God. But God’s also using her as part of the answer. Through times […]

Anderson Moyo

Anderson Moyo follows in the footsteps of William Carey, often called the father of modern missions. As senior pastor of Sheffield Community Church in the United Kingdom, Anderson re-introduces discipleship, leadership development and missions into […]

Graham Singh

Graham Singh isn’t your typical church planter. Pastor of St. Jax Montreal and Executive Director of Church Planting Canada, Graham seeks to restore the heart of cities by restarting churches in historic, yet abandoned church […]

Velma Tim

Like Samuel, God called Velma Tim to serve Him with an audible voice. Although she resisted at first, she said a whole-hearted yes to God when she was 22. She later attended Asbury Theological Seminary, […]

Bishop Paul Korir

Bishop Paul Korir grew up often going to bed hungry and not having shoes until he was 16. His local church blessed him to attend high school by raising his school fees. He found Christ […]

Don & Marla Bettinger

Each Wednesday morning, Don and Marla Bettinger pack their car with coffee and breakfast snacks to share with a bicycle club that meets near Hualien Harbor, Taiwan. As 28-year career missionaries and church planters with […]

Byron Fair

Every eight minutes a young adult is diagnosed with cancer. On July 23, 2014, Byron Fair became one of those statistics. Yet, he found hope from despair. Now he gives that hope to others through […]

Mason Tanner

Even in middle school, Mason Tanner loved Jesus and wanted to share Him with others. While still in college, he set his heart to run hard after God. Now, he’s the College and Young Adult […]

Rocky Shack

Youth Pastor. Racial Reconciler. Game-changer. To Rocky Shack, a degree from Asbury Theological Seminary is just icing on the cake. While pursuing his master of divinity degree at Asbury Seminary, Rocky also works for diversity […]

Paul Yeun

Paul Yeun equips others to serve. Throughout his career as pastor, Air Force chaplain, and now in healthcare, he has made training lay persons a priority. Now, as Director of Pastoral Services at Chambersburg Hospital, […]

Jordan Craig

Not only does the heart of River City Church beat for the community, but it’s location on a roundabout in the middle of Atlanta Road, positions it in the city center. While the road divides […]

Winfield Bevins

Since this article was published, Dr. Winfield Bevins founded a non-profit organization, Creo Arts, and moved from Director of the Center for Church Multiplication (CCM) to leading Creo Arts full-time. The following represents Dr. Bevins’ […]

Luke Edwards

Just as Jesus shared life truths with the marginalized of his day, so the folks at King Street Church serve and learn alongside others in bars, cafes, business meetings and jails. Although they don’t meet […]

Sean Ellis

God called Sean Ellis to live and serve in a land of many gods. Although Taiwan has a population of 23.48 million, only four percent profess faith in Jesus Christ. But that’s why God called […]

Clay Kirkland

The Wesley Foundation at the University of Georgia is known as the most welcoming place on campus. Each week, the staff of 92 bakes more than 400 cookies and sends hundreds of texts, emails and […]

Gale Wetzel

Gale Wetzel has one mission—to preach the Gospel of Christ. He preached his first sermon on New Year’s Eve, 1959. Now, he’s 78 years old. Yet, each week he drives to the Green River Correctional […]

Lisa Guilliams

One can of food means the difference between a good and bad day to many living in Granite City, Ill. Lisa Guilliams founded Twigs® in 2011 with the vision of “a child, a neighborhood, a […]

Eddie Kaufholz

Eddie Kaufholz had the words of justice found in Micah 6:8 tattooed on his heart, long before the words appeared on his body or in his ministry. Now, through leadership roles at global organizations, Eddie […]

Lisa Ausley

“Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee.”—John Wesley Covenant Prayer Lisa Ausley thought God had picked her to be put on a shelf for Him. However, looking back over her life, […]

Allen Hood

The International House of Prayer (IHOP) couples prayer with action. The prayer room lays the foundation for vibrant ministry, as people seek the heart of Jesus around the clock. Whether ministering to the homeless, the […]

Tommy Fussell

Tommy Fussell serves those who are serving. As an active duty Air Force Chaplain on Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyo., Tommy builds relationships with Airmen and their families to provide support, […]

Craig and Médine Keener

Craig and Médine Keener had every reason to hate. Médine lived as a war refugee for 18 months in the Congo. Craig waited, not knowing whether she lived or died. Instead of harboring malice, they […]

Andy & Abby Miller

Captains Andy and Abby Miller connect the dots between faith and work. Whether working with their homeless ministry or community leaders, the Miller’s intertwine their church and social ministry through hospitality. Together, they see hospitality […]

Kevin Cook

Kevin and Nicole Cook offer women considering an abortion the ability to choose life by opening their home, their hearts and their resources. On October 30, 2015, the Cooks stood outside the sole Lexington abortion […]

Kiem Kwa

Kiem Kwa speaks, writes and teaches on issues of Christian engagement in the public square at East Asia School of Theology. Whether teaching in the classroom, sitting on a medical ethics panel, or welcoming students […]

Spencer Lundgaard

A Christian Ministry in the National Parks (ACMNP) is not your usual summer job. Founded in 1951, ACMNP works with emerging leaders to provide Christian community to people living, working and visiting in the national […]

Chepa Rao

Vizianagaram, India, is known as the City of Victory due to its many businesses and colleges. However, even as the city becomes more urbanized, more and more people from lower caste systems dwell in the […]

Matt LeRoy

Church planting runs in Matt LeRoy’s family. When he was 10 years old, his family moved to Chapel Hill, N.C., to plant a church. While attending Asbury Seminary, God called Matt to return to his […]

Sean Gladding

Six years ago, Sean Gladding and his family returned to Lexington, Ky., to seek the Kingdom of God on the Northside. Along with friends from Communality, a missional expression of the Church formed during his […]

Bryan Collier

Bryan and Wendy Collier planted The Orchard, a United Methodist Congregation, with their friends in mind. In 1998 when they moved to Tupelo, Miss., statistics showed that 20,000 people in the Tupelo region didn’t have […]

Laura Baber

On the Sabbath, we left the city and went down along the river where we had heard there was to be a prayer meeting. We took our place with the women who had gathered there […]

Dave Goss

Dave and Tracey Goss took their ministry outside the church walls, literally. Light and Life Church in Goleta, Calif., holds a weekly meal and a service in the park 10 times per year. Surprisingly, people […]

Chris Barbee

Chris and Dora Barbee joined God on his mission to make disciples on their first date. While most couples worry about moving too fast, Chris asked Dora to join him on a mission trip to […]

Gabriel Tait

When the angel appeared to Mary following Jesus’ resurrection, he said, “Come and see, so you can go and tell.” Throughout his career as a photojournalist, bus driver, Ph.D. student, and now, Assistant Professor of […]

Sharon Yancey

Five years ago, Yancey discovered that many churches had few or no children, a minimal budget and no plan to start a kids’ program. Unable to ignore the need, Yancey established the Matthew Initiative to […]

Richard Waugh

Richard Waugh came to Asbury in 2007 for the residential Beeson pastor program. He and his wife Jane and three children arrived from far-away New Zealand. Richard graduated with a D.Min and was awarded the […]

Brett Durbin

When Brett Durbin and his wife, Jaelle, first visited a trash mountain site in Honduras in 2008, they anticipated eye-stinging stench and circling vultures, but they were completely undone by the sight of sun-baked babies […]

Heidi Lyda

After outbidding the Outlaw motorcycle gang for a building on the near-east side of Indianapolis, Ind., in the early 1990s, the First Free Methodist Church began the slow and costly work of restoring the building […]

Billy Fray

Limehouse in east London is a place of exhilarating, nearly overwhelming diversity. There is such a wonderful clash of cultures in this area, from Bengali to British, all set against the backdrop of the Docklands […]

Joe Castillo

Artist, author, bilingual speaker, pastor, entrepreneur—all these words describe Joe Castillo. Yet, none of them adequately encompass his versatile skills or his passion for encouraging others. Creative from childhood—his mom claims his first solid food […]